2017 GreenFest Presentation and Table Display
Great time had on Saturday at the 10th annual GreenFest in Howard County. Thanks Sue Muller for recommending me to give a talk and have a display.
I had a frozen Shakehead fish sample for people to touch at my table display, which was a big hit! Some were grossed out by the slime but many learned about this unique invasive species. My presentation "The Northern Snakehead Fish: Fact Vs Fiction" was well received. I was so happy to dispel so many myths floating around out there.
Thank you to all who helped donate to my self funded research by buying my Snakehead Logo stickers. Every little bit helps me! Everyone I met was so helpful trying to grow my contacts and offer further assistance with my research.
Thanks again. Don't forget to come see my next presentation on Friday, May 5th 7:30pm at the Robinson Nature Center.