7th Annual Fishing Flea Market Fishing Seminars
I first met Tom Brown three years ago at Bass Pro Shop. I was just then starting to focus my fishing for the amazing non native Northern Snakehead fish. Tom gave me lots of great information and we have kept in touch about my research. A few months ago I was back again at Bass Pro Shop buying some mor supplies and he asked me if I would be interested in giving a presentation on the NSH. I said of course!
He starts to tell me about how long he has been helping to bring this "fishing flea market" to the area and assisting the
Maryland Heros on the Water organization with ALL PROCEEDS going to the non profit. It gets bigger and better every year and this is the largest one held yet! Other speakers at the gathering was the Godfather of Snakehead fishing- Joe Brue. It was nice to finally meet him in person.
I gave a simple biological presentation on my favorite fish. I spoke about the history of the Northern Snakehead coming to the USA. Their habitat, behaviors, life cycle, characteristics and some falsities that get recycled.
My main goal of the talk was to show how amazing this fish is at adapting to new environments but also to show it is not a threat to native species. I also briefly touched on how they should be promoted as a sports fish as well as responsibly harvested as table fare.
Thanks Tom for the invite!