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Tight lines everywhere! 🎣

We are in the best time for catching the Northern Snakehead.  The water is great right now! It has dropped a bit in the Little Patuxent River to now actually see the snakeheads visually, so it's even easier to target them. Turbidity is low as well. Air bubbles coming to the surface are also clear indications they are lurking in the area, besides seeing them poke their heads up from time to time. 

As of now, since 5/17/17, a total of 15 snakeheads have been caught in the research area between 5 anglers.  The largest was 6.3 lbs at 27" and the smallest 14". 

I've noticed they are most visible and caught during the early dawn hours or during the hottest part of the day (2pm-4pm). All fish caught so far has been on live bait (blue gills, red breasted sunfish, large minnows, etc) no more than 6".  I personally like to use a 0/4 or 0/5 hook through the back of the bait under the spine. It is known that the Northern Snakehead will regurgitate fish in order to avoid being caught there for easily spitting out the hook. I tend to find where I place the hook makes is harder to dislodge it. 

They also, at least for me, have not been putting up the "fight" I'm use to.  Like swimming down or jumping out of the water. They seem to swim for a bit then play dead till I try to get the hook out and then it's full on wiggle free back to the water time. 

Tight lines fellow anglers! 

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